Feel Confident Again

With the advances in dental implants, you can get your bite back, enjoy your favorite foods, and regain your confidence. It is our goal to help you to love your smile, so we offer personalized service and exceptional results with our dental services at the Idaho Implant Institute.

Why Get Dental Implants?

At Discover Family Dental Idaho Falls, we understand the difference between having experience and having expertise. We also understand that you want care from a professional who has both. You can trust our dentist since he provides dental implants in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and to those in the surrounding areas, such as Shelley, Woodville, Iona, Osgood, Ucon, Grant, and Rigby, Idaho.

Accreditation and Training

Dr. Tracy Jenkins creates naturally beautiful smiles using his training from the accredited WhiteCap Institute, and with true consideration of his patients’ needs. We are gladly accepting new patients, so visit our in-office dental implant clinic soon to learn if dental implants are right for you. Long-lasting dental health and function awaits.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Carestream 8100 3D CT Scan Ct Scanning Machine
With innovative scanning and imaging capabilities, the CS 8100 provides you and Dr. Tracy Jenkins a more in-depth diagnosis.

Carestream 3600 Digital Scanner
With our digital impressions technology, you can avoid the hassle of impression materials and trays and enjoy gentle dental care.

WaterLase MD™
Your recovery period and time in our office is lessened with the precision and HydroPhotonics™ technology of the WaterLase MD.
Water Lase Tool


About Dental Implants

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a permanent dental restoration that replaces both the tooth’s crown and root. Dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth, several missing teeth, or an entire dental arch. A dental implant is made up of three main parts. The first is the titanium screw base, or post. This screw is inserted into the jawbone, replacing the tooth’s natural root and providing stability for your restoration. The next part is the abutment, which is attached to the top of the screw and is used to hold the final restoration, or the third component, in place. Your restoration may be a dental crown, bridge, or denture, depending on how many teeth you are replacing.

What happens during my implant procedure?

If necessary, our dentist will begin your procedure by removing any teeth that are to be replaced. Next, we will insert the titanium implant screw into the socket. If you are replacing multiple teeth, each socket will receive a screw. If you are replacing an entire dental arch, most procedures involve placing four to six implants across the arch.

After your implants are placed, you will have a healing period where your bone can start to bond with the implant post. After this healiing period, your final restoration will be placed on top of the post. Your restoration may be a dental crown, bridge, or denture. In some treatments, an implant procedure can be completed in a single visit. For this procedure, your restoration will be made beforehand and placed immediately after your implant post is inserted into the bone.

Benefits of dental implants

Because a dental implant replaces both your tooth’s crown and roots, it provides a more stable restoration. Not only do dental implants look like a natural tooth but they also function and feel like one, too. This means that you can chew, speak and smile like normal, and your mouth can maintain optimal oral health. Plus, with proper oral care, your dental implant can last a lifetime.